Monero GUI wallet review

Monero GUI wallet review

Monero GUI
Developed Ease of use,  High Privacy,  User Private Keys Stored

The Monero Core Client wallet is an open source wallet used only for Monero currency and updated mainly by the developers from Monero Project. There is also a web-based light wallet version, called MyMonero. It's reputation for high security is grounded in its offline key storage. The main drawback of this platform is its complexity, which make it difficult for users with no technical background.

The Monero wallet platform offers MyMonero, a lightweight online wallet service, or MoneroAddress which provides a cold storage option. It is designed to suit an extensive number of operating systems and is available in a number of languages. However their are no trade/buy functionalities only storage.

Company / organization behind the wallets

The Monero GUI Plaform is maintained and run by a team of developers and academic cryptographers from all over the world that are enthusiastic about the project. Monero's Research Lab, Core Development Team, and Community Developers aren't affiliated with any company. It has been edited and upgraded by over 200 developers through GitHub, with 7 of them being the core team. One of the key persons at Monero is Riccardo "Fluffypony" Spagni, from

Crypto Currencies Support

Language Support

  • Chinese
  • Dutch
  • English
  • Esperanto
  • French
  • Indonesian
  • Italian
  • Japanese
  • Portuguese
  • Spanish
  • Taiwanese

Supported Systems

  • Windows
  • OSX
  • Linux
  • Raspberry PI
  • ARM7
  • ARM8
  • FreeBSD
  • DragonFlyBSD

Partners and integrated software

  • Kovri
  • OpenAlias
  • MyMonero

Security, decentralization, scalability. These are the three pillars of Monero. The vision of Monero is to be as future-proof as possible. They have a good reputation for security. Users can create cold storage and have complete control over their private keys.


2 Factor Authentication
Private Keys Stored On
Storage Type
The default is hot storage but there is an option to set up cold storage
Transactions Validation
Full Node
Hierarchical Deterministic

What happens in the event of a disaster/theft/loss?

The user has a 'root key', 'recovery phrase' or 'word seed' that can be used to regenerate private keys.

Monero Core Client has 2 options, Monero GUI, which is more user-friendly and intuitive to use and Monero CLI, which requires users to know Shell scripting commands. Users that want to send small amounts of XMR without configuring & installing software should choose MyMonero the web-based platform.


This is the official wallet of the Monero currency. It is open source and created by developers from around the world. There are different options to suit user needs . A cold storage option and user controlled private keys contribute to making the security reputation for this wallet a good one. The issue with this wallet is its complexity. It is not easily accessible to the average user.

Ease of use
Suitable For
Account activation process
Transaction fees
Dynamic Transaction fees
Setup fee

The Monero wallet platform offers MyMonero, a lightweight online wallet service, or MoneroAddress which provides a cold storage option. It is designed to suit an extensive number of operating systems and is available in a number of languages. However their are no trade/buy functionalities only storage.

There are none

Help and

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  • Mattermost Chat

Most common
customer complaint:

Lag in processing transactions