Illustration of Upcoming NOIZchain ICO

Upcoming NOIZchain ICO Looks To Revolutionize The Advertising Industry

Jun 10, 2018, 8:10AM
2 min, 33 sec READ

On June 15, the NOIZchain ICO is set to launch. The project looks to revolutionize the online advertising industry using blockchain technology.

On June 15, the highly anticipated NOIZchain ICO is set to launch. The blockchain project boasts an AI powered decentralized ad-network that aims to provide publishers and advertisers with transparent advertising data. This is designed to help prevent advertising fraud, and will ensure the integrity of customer data privacy is upheld. NOIZchain also promises to provide a peer-to-peer exchange where customers and advertisers are incentivized to interact through the use of the NOIZ token.

The Transparent Advertising Space

Within our current ad-ecosystem, stored consumer data is highly susceptible to being misused by advertisers, publishers and centralized ad exchanges looking for pure profit. The NOIZchain whitepaper cites the recent Cambridge Analytica Scandal as a prime example of how large data-mining operations can result in consumer information being made available behind closed doors, leading to unfair elections or mistrust in service providers. NOIZchain’s innovative peer-to-peer network promises to solve this issue by allowing advertisers and publishers to collect and share data via a permission-based blockchain system. In other words, NOIZ blockchain aims at creating a transparent advertising space while simultaneously giving consumers the opportunity to control which personal information they wish to share with advertisers. 

Combating Click Fraud

When “spambots” are used to artificially inflate the amount of clicks or impressions a certain ad receives, it results in a substantial decrease in the Return-On-Investment (ROI) an advertiser can generate. NOIZchain’s network purportedly provides a solution to this problem via the use of their own investigative bots. The NOIZ bots monitor NOIZ token transaction flow within the ecosystem on a random selection of wallets. As patterns are observed and recorded, NOIZ bots will be able to identify and remove wallets that follow the patterns most often associated with spambots, eliminating click fraud. 

Incentivizing User / Advertiser Engagement

NOIZchain’s innovative “NIKOLA” cognitive ad-bot will initiate conversation dialogues with consumers within each ad, engaging with users and learning their particular consumer-patterns through the use of Natural Language Processing (NLP) technology. When consumers engage with NIKOLA, and follow through with a particular type of engagement (such as expressing an interest, making a purchase or requesting to disengage), NIKOLA will reward the consumer with NOIZ tokens. These tokens can then be used within the NOIZchain ecosystem to vote on the content allowed on the platform, be redeemed for advertiser’s coupons, and even donated to social impact projects, intrinsically tying active consumer engagement to potential rewards.   

NOIZchain is not the only application of blockchain technology looking to disrupt the advertising industry, with both Basic-Attention-Token (BAT) and Adshares offering similar solutions to the major problems within the business vertical. Both BAT and Adshares offer tokenized ecosystems, and have hosted successful ICO’s. Both projects also have strong online communities of supporters who believe that blockchain technology could re-define how advertising is carried out online, indicating the upcoming NOIZ ICO could hold growth potential for interested investors.

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